July 28, 2013 8:36 am 0 comments

The team in Trench P this week as made leaps and bounds towards understanding the stratigraphic relationship of an intriguing wall. The trench has been expanded and the volunteers spend many hours removing topsoil with pickaxes and shovels to reveal the Neolithic contexts beneath. Many features have emerged from the expanded area such as mud bricks and rubble from a potential wall collapse. Supervisor Jodie Benton from OzARK EHM is confident that a curving mud brick wall can be seen in the northwest part of the trench. Close by is a plaster wall face of another building. In the southwest of the trench there is a plaster basin or bin. There have been lot of finds from the upper deposits of P including distinctive ovoid stone beads and parts of decorated and grooved stones these last probably for straightening projectile shafts.

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Trench P has expanded to the North.


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Supervisor Dr. Jodie Benton indicates the mud bricks and possible rubble collapse to a volunteer.


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