Opening up Area L

July 27, 2014 10:43 am 1 comment

It’s always an exciting moment when we decide to open a new area at Boncuklu. This year we are going to take a better look at Area L located just off the eastern edge of the mound and close to the boundary fence line.
Last year we dug a deep 3x3m trench (picture) and found post-Neolithic archaeology under colluvial sediment.
This year we are going to extend the trench westwards towards the edge of the mound to find out what is happening at the edge of the site and how it connects with the surrounding landscape. Whilst we know more about the central part of the site, we are much more unsure about what is happening on the edge.
We may find more houses, it could be another midden area for rubbish disposal, or a site boundary, it might be an area where soil was being dug out to make mud bricks, or even a natural feature, such as a stream or pond. Equally there may have been some sort of disturbance in the last 10,000 years, such as post-Neolithic occupation, which has destroyed evidence of more ancient activity.
Whatever we discover, it will certainly improve our understanding of the history of Boncuklu.

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