Excavation well under way

August 9, 2015 9:15 am 0 comments

This year’s Boncuklu excavation is now well under way with our international team of 37 diggers continuing work to understand life 10,000 years ago at the mound. Graced by the new entry sign, provided by the Karatay Belediye Başkan, the site and dighouse are a hive of industry.

Excavation is continuing in Area M on a very complex series of midden (rubbish dump) contexts interspersed with buildings and burials. More and more human skeletons and skulls have been uncovered over the last 3 seasons in M and supervisor Maxime Brami and team are working hard to understand Boncuklu’s most complex sequence of deposits.

Partial skull under excavation in M

Work also continues in Area P where Jodie Benton and crew have started to disentangle the complex series of floors and other structures in the two buildings which are currently under excavation. This year also sees further exploration of the midden area immediately outside the buildings in the search for external structures.

Discussing the floors in P

Jill Goulder and team have opened up an exploratory 5×5 trench between Areas M and H – Area J. Work continues through the upper layers which have been disturbed by recent bulldozer activity and the ever present ground squirrels – the dreaded Gelengi! Middens and floors are now becoming clear and Area J offers exciting new opportunities for further understanding the sequence at BK.

The upper layers of J

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